Europe, Athens

Temporary Exhibitions

Exhibition of Works of the Panhellenic Competition "Stuck on the Internet? Never!"

  26 May 2018 - 28 Dec 2018

  Science & Technology Museum, University of Patras Campus, Greece

The Science and Technology Museum in collaboration with the Departments of Health Education of Primary and Secondary Education of Achaia organized from May 26 to December 28, 2018, at the Museum, Exhibition of the creative writing works of the school teams that participated in the Panhellenic Creative Writing Competition “Stuck on the Internet? Never!"

Students of all grade levels had the opportunity, either with an illustrated story or with a play, to address issues related to the causes of Ιnternet addiction, the factors that lead to addiction, the symptoms of reckless use, but also to refer to ways of preventing and tackling Ιnternet addiction.

The projects of the student groups were judged by the Evaluation Committees and gathered for educational purposes.


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List of Dates (Page event details)

  • From 26 May 2018 to 28 Dec 2018

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