22:01:54Jan 09, 2025Europe, Athens

Educational Programs

The Science and Technology Museum carries out a variety of Thematic Educational Programs for all levels of education with various topics related to the permanent exhibition and temporary exhibitions of the Museum. The educational programs are planned in collaboration with teachers and students from various Departments of the University of Patras.

The educational programs of the STM that are addressed to classes of primary/secondary education aim at:

• helping students through observation, comparison, active participation and interdisciplinary and experiential approach, to:

      1. Get to know aspects of science and technology as well as their interaction.

      2. Get acquainted with the Museum space and recognize it as a place of fun and learning at the same time.

       3. Be interested in science and technology by stimulating their creativity and imagination.

offering teachers:

        1. An additional educational tool to support their educational work, in an interdisciplinary way on topics related to science and technology, environment, arts, etc.
        2. The ability to connect the Greek and World history they teach in school, with technological αchievements, sciences, etc.
        3. Examples of the relationship between science and technology to evaluate with their students.
        4. Stimuli to cultivate their students' creativity and imagination.

These educational activities include

Educational Programs for Primary Education, Kindergarten and Elementary schools

• Educational Programs for Secondary Education, Junior High School and High School

Educational Programs for the Special Needs

For remote schools and during the pandemic

The educational activities are implemented in collaboration with students of the University in the framework of Internship, Pedagogical Competence, or Volunteering.

For participation in the Educational programs, see the information about the visit to the STM. HERE

It is necessary to communicate with the staff of the Museum, to book your visit. HERE

If you wish to find educational material (in greek) for the preparation of your visit to the STM, please register HERE or sign HERE 

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