Science & Technology Museum, University of Patras Campus, Greece
The event "Museums: Hubs of Culture" at the Science and Technology Museum in collaboration with the Departments of Cultural Affairs of Primary and Secondary Education of Achaia was successfully held on May 12, in the context of the celebration of the International Museum Day 2019. The event was held as the final event of the Cultural Networks of Primary and Secondary Education of Achaia "Giving Life to the Book" and "Science through Theater" with the Science and Technology Museum.
The event was constructive because the role of Museums as cultural centers for the formation of the new tradition was underlined and at the same time, a new audience engaged with the Science and Technology Museum. During the event, books were exchanged and therefore the books did not remain untouched in a bookcase but gave life to another.
The program of the event in the auditorium of the Museum included theatrical events, dances and reading of texts from the 11 participating schools, live at the Museum with simultaneous live streaming.
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