Science & Technology Museum, University of Patras campus, Greece
International Museum Day 2023
“Museums: Sustainability, Quality of Life”
Interactive CollaborativeTeamwork Game
“The hunt for minerals at the STM:
contributing to sustainability and quality of life”
As part of the celebration of International Museum Day, the Science and Technology Museum of the University of Patras (STM), in collaboration with the Directorates of the Primary and Secondary Education of the Prefecture of Achaia-Environmental Education, on May 16, 2023, invites schools of the Prefecture of Achaia to participate in the interactive teamwork game “The hunt for minerals at the STM: contributing to sustainability and quality of life”.
The game will be implemented in groups in the exterior and interior of the STM with the support of mobile/mobile devices. By participating in this game, children will have the opportunity to learn about the physicochemical properties of some of the most common minerals and through a digital game search for them by exploring the Museum's facilities and collections. Through this action, students will learn how our planet was created and what it consists of, interact with minerals and rocks and objects of our daily life based on their use, understand how mineral raw materials are an integral part of the evolution of human civilization and the improvement of living standards and that minerals and rocks are inherent and integrated into each of the 17 goals and the 169 sub-goals of the Sustainable Development agenda set by the United Nations.
Finally, they will be made aware of the need to preserve and protect minerals for the benefit of future generations and of the environmental problems that follow their extraction.
In doing so, they will build skills that will help them as tomorrow's active citizens participate in decision-making that will create “The Future We Want” (Franks et al., 2022) by mitigating the environmental crisis and global impoverishment that the planet is experiencing today.
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