Europe, Athens

Workshops-Seminars-Experiential Activities

Experiential Seminar "Objects are only the beginning"

Educational Seminars
  27 January 2014 17:30 - 20:30

  Science & Technology Museum, University of Patras Campus, Greece

The Science and Technology Museum and the Department of Cultural Education of Achaia co-organized an Experiential Seminar on "Objects are only the beginning" for teachers, within the Thematic Cultural Network of the Primary with the Museum "Radio: Communication, Recreation".

Objectives of the experiential seminar:

a) The participants engage emotionally, mentally, and through all the senses with the objects and experience the museum as a place of inspiration and creation for themselves and their students.

b) To contribute to the understanding of the experiential method as a methodological tool for teaching and learning.

Structure description:

There were 4 objects that were selected from the museum exhibition accompanied by a small amount of information material. In the beginning, each group was given a folder with information and suggestions-ideas to facilitate the "engagement" with the object. There was an animator in each group. In the end, the groups would present in any way they wished (improvisation, poster, narration) the object they worked on in the plenary. The event ended with an evaluation activity.



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List of Dates (Page event details)

  • 27 January 2014 17:30 - 20:30

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