Europe, Athens

Thematic Networks

Local Thematic Network “The rocks in our daily lives and their role in sustainable development”

Thematic Networks
  15 November 2021 - 31 May 2022

  Science & Technology Museum, University of Patras Campus, Greece

The Science and Technology Museum (STM), with the Geology Department of the University of Patras in cooperation with the Head of the Environmental Officers of Primary and Secondary Education of the prefecture of Achaia, the Environmental Educational Center of Kleitoria - Akratas and the Head of the Cultural Affairs of Primary and Secondary Education of the prefecture of Achaia intend to operate a local thematic network entitled: "The rocks in our daily life and their role in sustainable development".

In a natural geological laboratory such as Greece, a country rich in natural resources and geological phenomena, the creation of a network for the role of "rocks" can contribute decisively to the promotion of sustainable development through the exploration of the sustainability of available natural resources and their sustainable exploitation for the benefit of society. At the same time, it will contribute to the awareness of students about the need to protect our natural environment and our cultural heritage.

In addition, the harmonious combination of the abiotic environment (landscape, relief, rocks, minerals and geological history) with the living environment and the cultural heritage will be highlighted.

Purpose and Objectives of the Network

The purpose of the network is to highlight the special value of geological natural resources but also the way in which they affect society, the economy, culture and the environment in the direction of sustainability.

Specific objectives are for students to:

  • acquire basic knowledge about rock species and understand the geological evolution of their area over time
  • understand the relationship between the geological features and the endemism of the area
  • explore the role of natural geological resources in industry, trade and ultimately in improving our quality of life
  • highlight the contribution of minerals and rocks to evolution, the emergence of culture and human history and how they have influenced and continue to influence the economy and the environment in our daily lives
  • associate rocks with myths and beliefs
  • get to know the traditional technical processing of the stone and the cultural heritage as a living collective memory
  • understand the role of rocks in the consolidation and development of Ancient Greek Culture, to recognize the raw material from which an ancient useful object / work of art / architecture is made
  • Understand how the use of natural resources is linked to climate change
  • get in touch with the first building materials of nature and get to know the various art forms on the stone
  • understand how the morphological characteristics of the place shape the culture and the character of the inhabitants
  • be aware of the dangers that threaten geodiversity and suggest ways to protect it
  • activate all their senses, play, take initiatives, act and collaborate


 Suggested Topics:

  • Rocks as Natural Resources
  • Local architecture and rocks
  • Rocks and technology
  • Environmental justice - the case of the Congo (Coltan) ores
  • Environmental ethics (exploitation of natural resources and social impact)
  • Minerals and Electronic Waste
  • Natural disasters-climate change
  • Rocks and geological heritage
  • Water and Rocks
  • Geodiversity and Biodiversity
  • Rocks and Sustainable Development
  • Alternative tourism and rocks
  • Rocks and Local Products
  • Cultural Monuments and rocks
  • Art and rocks
  • Museums, collections and rocks

Duration of development and participation in the Network

The Network is addressed to the Teachers of Primary and Secondary Education of all specialties who will implement an Environmental or Cultural program with a theme that is part of the broader themes of the network in the school year 2021-22.

It will have a 3 year duration and the participation of a school group in the network should last at least one school year.

For the school year 2021-2022 the following are planned:

  • Call for expression of interest for participation in the network
  • Pedagogical Group formation
  • Approval of the Network
  • Meeting of the members of the Steering Committee and the Pedagogical Group for the planning of activities and actions
  • Thematic seminar, for the teachers of Primary and Secondary Education who will participate in the Network
  • Promotion of information / educational material
  • Participation in the Exhibition - Educational Program of the Science and Technology Museum "Rocks in everyday life"
  • Visits to the laboratory infrastructure of the Department of Geology of the University of Patras
  • Visit to the Environmental Educational Center of Kleitoria - Akrata for the implementation of the program "Petra tin petra… perpato" or "The palace of the fairies of Helmos: The Cave of Lakes Kastria"
  • Production of material by the participating schools

Network Coordination

The Steering Committee includes:

1. Ioanna Papaioannou - Geologist, Environmentalist, Head of the department of Environmental Education of Secondary Education of Achaia

2. Ioannis Vlachos - Geologist, Head of Cultural Affairs of Secondary Education of Achaia

3. Peny Theologi-Gouti, Architect Mech. (DESA) - Ethnologist (DEA), Curator of the Science and Technology Museum (STM) of the University of Patras

4. Ioannis Iliopoulos, Associate Professor, Department of Geology, University of Patras, Director of the Science and Technology Museum (STM) of the University of Patras

5. Eleni Antonakopoulou - Head of the Environmental Education of Primary Education of Achaia

6. Vasiliki Mantzouratou - Head of the Cultural Affairs of Primary Education of Achaia

7. Charilaos Moschopoulos - Head of the Environmental Educational Center of Kleitoria - Akrata

The Steering Committee will support the members of the Network with educational and support materials and training meetings.

The network is open to teachers who in the school year 2021-22 will implement a relevant Program of Environmental Education or Cultural Affairs.

For the best organization of the network, we ask those teachers who wish to join the Network to submit their application digitally at by Monday, October 25, 2021.


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List of Dates (Page event details)

  • From 15 November 2021 to 31 May 2022

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