Europe, Athens


Online Event "Science and Technology Museum: Looking to the Future"

In the context of the Celebration of the International Museum Day 2021 with the theme:"The Future of Museums: Reflection and Restart", the Science and Technology Museum organizes the online event “Science and Technology Museum: Looking to the future!” on Wednesday, 19 May 2021 at 7:00 p.m. on the zoom platform link: and live streamed through Facebook and YouTube.

The event will began with greetings from the Rector of the University of Patras Professor Chistos Bouras, The Dean of the School of Natural Sciences Professor Giorgos Papatheodorou, the Deputy Director of Entrepreneurship, Research and Innovation of the Region of Western Greece Fokion Zaimis, the Director of Primary Education of Achaia Tasos Stavrogiannopoulos and the Director of Secondary Education of Achaia Andreas Zervas. Greetings will follow by speeches by Teti Hatzinikolaou, President of the Hellenic ommittee of the International Council of Museums ICOM and Honorary Director of the Ministry of Culture, "The Future of Museums: reflection and restart" and John Garofalakis, Professor, Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Patras, on "IT Museum or Museum with IT? The Challenges and the Opportunities".

In closing, the website of the Science and Technology Museum will be presented by Christos Georgovassilopoulos, a student of the Department of History and Archeology (former Department of Cultural Heritage Management and New Technologies) University of Patras and Peny Theologi-Gouti, Head Curator of the STM UP. Discussions followed.

Participation in the event is free and you can participate through zoom and the social media.


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