23:18:57Mar 14, 2025Europe, Athens


The Science and Technology Museum was a vision of the former Rector Stamatis Alahiotis, Professor of the Department of Biology who from the beginning of his term (1994-2000) laid out the foundations of its implementation, while the contribution of the first Director of the Museum, Emeritus Professor Vassilis Marmaras, was also significant in its organization and promotion.

Important contributions in the course of the Museum were:

  • the Rectorate of Professor Nikolaos Zoumbos (2000-2003)
  • the Rectorate of Professor Christos Hadjitheodorou (2003-2006)
  • the Rectorate of Professor Stavros Koumbias (2006-2010)
  • the Rectorate of Professor George Panayiotakis (2010-1014)
  • the Rectorate of Professor Venetsana Kyriazopoulou (2014-2020) as well as
  • the Rectorate of Professor Christos Bouras (2020-present)

The organization of the Science and Technology Museum began in 1998 with:

  • its enactment
  • the creation of collections of items relating to the History and development of Science and Technology, either from the University of Patras or from other places, such as industry, factories, professional laboratories, schools, etc.
  • the design of a new building and the construction of the first part of the building, financed by the Third Community Support Framework


1998 "Invitation Call of Interest" for the study of the building of the Museum of Science and Technology.

1999 The Project proposed by the collaborating offices is selected: • Ioannis Ventourakis, • OMETE SA, • K. Kotsogiannis, • E. Katsadoraki, • G. Karavokyris and Associate Consultants Ltd.

1999 The process of "Creating the Museum collections" begins in a warehouse provided by the University in one of the former aviation buildings.

2000 The "System of Manual Recording and Documenting of Collections" is developed based on the "International Specifications for the Registration of Museum Data" proposed by the Documentation Committee - CIDOC - of the International Council of Museums - ICOM - and other organizations.

2001 It is officially founded with Presidential Decree 290, published in the Official Gazette. 199-12 / 9/2001, as a Laboratory of the School of Natural Sciences.

2002 Mr. Vassilis Marmaras, Professor of the Department of Biology, is elected as the first Director of the Museum.

2003 The building is founded during the Rectorate of Mr. Nikolaos Zoumbos, Professor of the Department of Medicine, by the Deputy Minister of National Education and Religion Mr. George Thomas.

2004 A part of the building is constructed with funding from the Third Community Support Framework, under the Rectorate of Mr. Christos Hatzitheodorou, Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering.

2005 The part of the building that has been constructed is handed over for use to the Science and Technology Museum under the Rectorate of Mr. Christos Hadjitheodorou, Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering.

2008 The design and implementation of the exhibition "Telecommunications in our lives" begins.

2009 The Science and Technology Museum opens its doors to the public with the exhibition, "Telecommunications in our lives" during the Rectororate of Stavros Koumpias, professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Technology. Implementation of experiential educational tours for all types of audiences begins.

2010 The Museum is officially inaugurated. Educational, informational and entertainment events begin to take place. Temporary exhibitions are held for the first time. The student internship program is implemented as well.

2011 Thematic educational programs for different levels of education are planned and implemented for the first time.

2013 Upgrading of the Exhibition space, new thematic sections.

2014 The number of visitors to the Science and Technology Museum exceeded 42,000 people/year, who visited or participated in some of its educational activities.

2016 The first Panhellenic Competition is announced.

2017 Development of Educational Robotics actions in collaboration with the Robotics Club of the University.

2018 The number of visitors to the Science and Technology Museum exceeded 44,000 people/year, who visited or participate in some of its educational activities.

2019 The Pedagogical Competence program for students of the School of Natural Sciences begins.

2020 For the first time, Distance Learning Educational Programs are developed and implemented, through a platform.





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